
Facing Issues like Chromecast Can’t Connect To Wi-Fi

chromecast cant connect to wifi

chromecast cant connect to wifi

Chromecast by Google is a wonderful device that lets you stream a huge variety of your favorite content and apps from your phone, tablet, or laptop right to your TV or speakers. With just one click we can access the freshly brewed content streaming. We can stream any video, either from Netflix or youtube and many other sites are supported by this. Whether you are at home or somewhere out you can watch your favorite shows anywhere.

All you have to do is connect it with your Wi-Fi. But what if your Chromecast cant connect to wifi?  What will you do then? But before answering this question I would rather like to explain why it happens so?

There may be many reasons by which your device could not communicate with your chromecast. Let us understand them one by one:

If your Chromecast can’t connect to wifi then you should go to Google troubleshoot to find the exact problem. Doing this may solve your problem. But this won’t save your time if every time you connect with a new Wi-Fi network it will consume yours at the most time in this activity. This can cause more trouble for the Chromecast. But do not worry.

Follow Methods If Chromecast Cant Connect To Wifi

We are here with some simple steps that you can do to resolve your issues. Follow the mentioned steps and get the work done.

1. Connect via Connectify Hotspot Application

The application called Connectify hotspot allows you to access the Wi-Fi from your laptop’s Wi-Fi and connect to other resources. This can be a better way to fix chromecast cant connect to wifi issue.

The connectify hotspot acts as a third party for Chromecast. If you are using Chromecast with the Connectify hotspot for the first time then you have to set up the Chromecast on your PC. But after that, you just need to connect it by opening the laptop and going to the application. It will not ask for the SSID and password further.  Your laptop will automatically get connected and it’s time to enjoy. This application will help you to connect it when you are changing from one hotel to another.

How to Connect It?

This is very simple to connect and make use of this application. Here we have provided a step by step tutorial that will teach you how to get connected with it.

Make use of the application called Connectify hotspot. Open your pc or laptop, connect the Chromecast with the application for once. So that in future you don’t have to set it up again and again. It will recognize the request is from which devices and your SSID and password will be saved here.

There arise some circumstances when your laptop is connected with the connectify hotspot it won’t easily allow you to make the changes in such cases you have to use your Smartphone so that you can adjust the settings accordingly.

Do not change your SSID and password because the Chromecast will be using the same SSID and password that the Wi-Fi has. So it’s better suggested not to make any changes in the password as well as in the SSID.

2. Make Sure That Wi-Fi Is Properly Connected

When you are unable to connect the Chromecast with Wi-Fi then check out your Wi-Fi connection. There may be some cases when the problem is with the network. So check the network connection first. The following are some steps. Go through them:

Whenever such problems occur, the main reason behind it is the router which causes the problem. To fix it, the power cycle can resolve this. If you don’t know the power cycle of the router then do not contact the technical expert to resolve your issue.

Another reason may be the Wi-Fi signal is poor. Therefore, the place where Chromecast has been placed does not get connected and the problem occurs.

3. Rebooting Device

Sometimes due to technical issues there occur some situations when your Chromecast does not connect with the Wi-Fi. If such a situation arrives then try to reboot the system or reset Chromecast. This will quickly solve your problem.

4. Do Update Your Browser

It is necessary to update the browser that your PC or laptop uses. The latest version of the browser must be set up otherwise your Chromecast won’t be able to connect with the wifi. Follow the steps mentioned below:

5. Choose Factory Reset

After trying all the above features, if still it doesn’t work then perform reset factory. Doing this will not affect your data. The steps to try it is mentioned below:

6. Use Extender

The Chromecast has HDMI cable which goes behind the television. Due to which it enables more space-related use with the Wi-Fi. The large size of the tv makes it difficult to access wifi signals, if this is not the problem then also you can use this to enhance the speed.

7. Moving the Router

Moving router from the existing place to a new location. It can also enhance its Wi-Fi speed. If the router is not at a suitable place and is kept far from the Chromecast then also this problem arrives. So you should try to place the router close to the extender or the Chromecast devices. Even if moving router doesn’t work for you then simply move to android device, as android cast screen to tv without chromecast. Also, contact with the technical expert to fix your router if you still wish to connect it with a router.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Q1. How to prevent it in the future?

A1. Install anti-virus and run it on your device so that it will scan all the viruses. And if you are working on any other devices may be in office or any school then must ask the administrators to look at it and scan it.

Q2. Is it necessary to submit a CAPTCHA?

A2. It is necessary because it indicates that you are human and it allows you to access the web browser property.


This is the complete method that you need to know when your chromecast cant connect to wifi. It will help you to fix the wifi issues. The steps explained above are used to solve the problem of wifi. I hope that the article provides you the appropriate knowledge.

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